For rolling out business class IT solutions, LAVA is Reboot Consulting’s #1 vendor

They say a company is only as good as its people. In the case of LAVA, top quality people matched with top quality products make them Reboot Consulting’s only choice for rolling out business class solutions.

Hands down, the service and support available through LAVA’s Tech Support and web site is superb. Whether you are looking to troubleshoot installations or configure products straight answers are provided by professionals who actually know what they are talking about! In today’s world where “big companies” make lots of noise in marketing their products but aren’t able to even offer mediocre support – it is refreshing to see a company executing as well as LAVA. What’s even more unbelievable is that they don’t even charge for this!

If you need a device that LAVA produces, do not even consider going to a competitor. I have personally been working with and selling LAVA products for over 8 years and can tell you first hand that the value, support and industry leading quality of LAVA products is second to none.

James Bogusz,
Reboot Consulting Co.
#101-506 John St.
Victoria, BC, V8T 1T6
Main (250) 380-0377 ext. 2
Fax (250) 385-2668
