
  • Adds two powered high-speed 16550 UART serial COM ports to any PCI-equipped PC.
  • Pin 1: 12 VDC; Pin 9: 5 VDC, max. amperage 1.25 amps per port (polyfused).
  • Signal lines: TX, RX, GND, CTS, RTS.
  • Both serial ports support up to 115.2 kbps throughput rate.
  • Both ports require only one system IRQ.
  • O/S automatically selects next available IRQ and COM addresses.
  • Easy Plug and Play installation.
  • Includes LAVA Com Port Redirect Utility for renaming COM Ports in Windows 95/98/Me.
  • Allows for backward compatibility with software that supports COM 1-4 only.

System Requirements


1 PCI slot

Ports & Connectors:

2 nine-pin serial ports

Product Details:

Shipping weight: 0.308647 lb

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