
Legacy Products

LAVA Speed Set

This program automates the changing of modem DTE rates from 115.2k bps to 230.4k bps. 3Com Impact IQ and Motorola BitSURFR Pro EZ users will find this program particularly useful. These modems require the users to send AT commands to the modem to reset it for 230.4k bps operation, then the properties in Control Panel need to be set, then the properties in Dial-up Networking. The LAVA Modem Speed Set program automates all of these operations, and changing speed is now a matter of a single click.

LAVA Modem Speed Set currently supports the following external modems:

3Com Impact IQ
Adtran Express XR & XRT
Ascend Pipeline 15 US Robotics Courier I-Modem
Motorola BitSURFR Pro & BitSURFR Pro EZ
Motorola ModemSURFR 56K & VoiceSURFR 56K
Zoom 56K external
Zyxell Omni TA & Zyxell Elite 2864


LAVA Config

This utility reports I/O Addresses and IRQs for a PCI Bus Card. This utility must be run in DOS mode (not in a DOS window); failure to do so will cause a system lock up.


LAVA Com Port Redirector

This utility allows users of LAVA serial cards to redirect the Com port name used by the card to one of the standard Com 1-4. Because some communications software applications only check for modems with the standard Com 1/2/3/4 names, the LAVA Com Port Redirector allows users to swap their existing Com 2 (for example) with Com 5 or Com 6 which may be their LAVA serial port Redirecting a Com port name does not change the I/O address space occupied by that port, nor does it change its assigned IRQ.




LAVA Serial Ports Lockups
